Electrical Kitchen Appliances are Modern Necessities

Home appliances have advanced a long way since electricity became a domestic commodity in the late 19th century. As early as 1891, when the first electric cooker was made, inventors have been keen to modernise the home lifestyle by “electrifying” every conceivable household tool. And thanks to their ingenious efforts and numerous technological milestones, we now have smart fridges, steam ovens, washing machines, toasters, and a host of other electronics that earlier generations could not even imagine.

It’s hard to envisage life without these every-day household electrical appliances. This is the reason why the global home appliances market is currently worth over USD 174 billion. Kitchen and other household electronics are always in such high demands that, even in the sparsely populated northern territory, factory seconds sell out rapidly in Darwin and other major cities.

Why the High Demand for Home Appliances?

It’s safe to say that just about every Australian household uses at least one electrical appliance regularly in the kitchen or laundry. It might be a washer, fridge, or cooker. The fact is, consumption of domestic electrical goods is on the rise, not only in Australia but also the rest of the world. The question is, why are electrical home gadgets suddenly so popular?

Newer Appliances Are More Functional

One of the main reasons is that electrical appliances have become incredibly convenient and versatile, suiting the modern lifestyle perfectly. Most modern appliances combine useful functions that save time for the whole family. You can see this design trend in things like wash and dry machines and combination microwaves.

It’s Time to Go Green

Most consumers are eager to buy next-generation appliances because newer models are more efficient and easier to work with. The world has grown more environmentally cautious, and this shows in the buying preferences when it comes to electronics in general. According to the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, home appliances consume about 30 per cent of domestic energy. Many families are now ditching older electronics in favour of energy-efficient appliances to save money and reduce their energy footprint.

Get Smart 

Home automation has become a trendy topic due to the mainstream use of smart technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT). The idea of smart homes is to simply improve the convenience and efficiency of regular household appliances by enabling them to do a lot more than their base functions. A smart fridge can, for instance, let you know its contents through a smartphone app and even alert you when certain supplies run low. We now live in a world where you can control your washer-dryer using your phone – it’s pretty impressive, and handy for the fast-pace of modern society.

In the not so distant past, kitchen appliance like mixers and washers were seen as luxury items. Today, these electronics have become integral to daily household activities. The next time you open the fridge door or brew a cup of coffee, take a moment to appreciate how far we’ve come.